Upcoming events.
Header photo courtesy of John Keefover
January Board Meeting
Join us at our January Board Meeting. Visitors are welcomed and encouraged. Our board meetings are open to all those interested in hiking, maintaining, and promoting the trail.
We welcome your comments, questions, and encourage any input to proposed improvements in our processes.
Items for this month’s meeting agenda will include welcoming new attendees, roundtable reports, a Q&A style discussion with Derrick Passe from the Kekekabic Trail Chapter of the NCTA, approval of the prior month’s minutes, Treasurer’s Report, and Upcoming Projects for 2023.
This will be a fully virtual meeting. Here are the zoom details:
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2289093220?pwd=YWhCWTRGL1Q4S0lnNlZaY1QvYUdLQT09
Meeting ID: 228 909 3220
Passcode: 665628
2023 Annual Meeting
If you're curious about the Border Route Trail, considered by many to be the most scenic section of the 4600+ mile North Country National Scenic Trail, we welcome you to join us at the Border Route Trail Association Annual Meeting to be held by Zoom this year.
Our guest speaker is Jen Theisen, aka Wandering Pine. Jen Theisen is a Minnesota based artist and adventurer celebrating the intersection of art, nature and joy! Her aim is to inspire, educate and empower others on and off the trail through creating supportive experiences and sharing her contagious enthusiasm. She blends her passion for fostering community, advocacy and experience as an outdoor educator by serving as a volunteer leader in three outdoor organizations and by hosting in-person + online events and workshops.
“I believe in the ripple effect, that small changes can make a big difference, and that we all play a part in taking care of each other and the earth.”
You can learn more about Jen's adventures at wanderingpine.com and @wandering.pine.
The BRTA Annual Meeting is a free event open to all those interested in hiking, maintaining, and promoting the Border Route Trail.
Meeting Agenda:
Brief Intro and history of the Border Route Trail and the BRTA
Election of directors and officers.
Feature Presentation
This is a virtual meeting. Here are the zoom meeting details:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 833 9237 7270
Passcode: 048707
BRTA Board Meeting
Please join us at our November/December Board Meeting. Visitors are welcomed and encouraged. Our board meetings are open to all those interested in hiking, maintaining, and promoting the trail.
We welcome your comments, questions, and encourage any input to proposed improvements in our processes.
Items for this month’s meeting agenda will include welcoming new attendees, approval of the prior month’s minutes, Treasurer’s Report, Trip Reports, Trail Conditions, and Upcoming Projects for 2023.
This will be a hybrid meeting, with an in-person option in St. Paul, MN and the option to join virtually. Here are the zoom details:
In-person Meeting Address: 2132 Inglehart Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86935063731?pwd=blJhY08zelBJWjZkYnFTdVhQSnN2QT09
Meeting ID: 869 3506 3731
Passcode: 050591
September Board Meeting
Join the BRTA at our September Board meeting! he BRTA board meetings are open to all those interested in hiking, maintaining, and promoting the trail. We welcome your comments, questions, and encourage any input to proposed improvements in our processes!
Items for this month’s meeting agenda will include welcoming new attendees, approval of the prior month’s minutes, Treasurer’s Report, Trip Reports, Trail Conditions, and Upcoming Projects for 2022.
If you can’t make it in person, we’ll provide a zoom link as well, just sign up below to receive it. Hope to see you there!